This year, our school system is implementing the following:
- Using Edmodo and Google Drive
- Blended Learning
- Utilizing SMART Goals to measure student growth
- Word Generation Vocabulary
- Effective Schoolwide Discipline Lessons
- A new online office referral system
So how do I guide them through all this so that they don't get but so overwhelmed?
Try as hard as I can to keep one step ahead of them!
- Do Your Research - Though you may not have any more experience on an initative than your teachers, they are still going to look to you as the expert. Thankfully, the Internet makes this much easier than it used to be. I spent some serious time this summer researching forms of blended learning, attending SMART goal workshops, and participating in Edmodo webinars. It's really paid off!
- Plan Ahead - How are you going to present all ths stuff to your teachers? Not all at once, that's for least if you want them to be able to process it properly and be successful with it. Calendars, outlines, and agendas can be your best friends...especially when you are dealing with deadlines, reports, and people holding you accountable .
- Model What You Expect - Make sure you can "walk the talk". Has your leadeship style caught up with the 21st Century? What are your colleagues doing to model their expectations? What do your teachers need to see more of? Have you asked them?
- Celebrate Accomplishments - Your teachers are working hard to make all these things happen. If you see something really cool happening in their classroom as a result, recognize them! Remember the post about the gold stars? It doesn't have to cost anything, but it does have to be sincere.