This excerpt discusses developing teacher leaders. How have you helped your teachers think globally?
PLC is a team effort, with each member having, and being held accountable for,
an important role. PLC norms are developed and agreed upon at the beginning of
the school year, and revisited throughout. The PLC goes beyond agendas and
minutes. To the teachers who are a part of it, the PLC signifies a voice, a
role in the decision making process, and, most importantly shared leadership. A
building can no longer be run by just one person. It’s up to administrators to
nurture teacher leadership by providing opportunities for teachers to be
leaders. A teacher who starts out as the person in charge of the meeting
minutes during PLC time could turn into your next department chair, division
level committee member, or building level administrator.
desire to develop teacher leaders actually aided in my personal goal of “putting
myself out there” more and as Fullan (2008) puts
it, “linking to the outside”. When two colleagues and I heard about what
Hanover County was doing with the “Eyes on Instruction” program during a SCOPE
session, we believed our own teachers could benefit from a similar model. The idea
came to fruition when I wrote a proposal to central office personnel which
aided in the establishment of the Teacher Ambassador Program; a professional development
opportunity for teachers to visit other buildings, hear from the administrative
team, and observe best teaching practices. These ambassadors then share what
they learned with their colleagues. The experience opened us all to new ideas,
and expanded our thought process to a more global level, a component that
Fullan indicates is necessary for district reform.